Friday, October 7, 2011


Now at 90 days old Madeline has made such progress and like a true parent I can't help but brag about it. She has met all of the should be able to many of the may be able to's and even a few of the possibly able to's. She loves to stand up (with help) and has amazing head control. As my friend Laura said, " A few more weeks and she'll be a hip kid." She loves to sit and look at you and talks and talk and talks- if only I knew what she was saying. She can push her self onto her arms when you put her on her tummy and looks around although not for very long and she is not a huge tummy time fan. She had found her hands and loves to put them in her mouth. She is starting to grab at stuff although there does not seem to be able to control it much. Smiling she has got DOWN and it is so cute. I could look at her smiles forever and she uses it to get what she wants which is usually attention from anyone and everyone. She is laughing too but rarely and only Uncle Ross has gotten her really going OF COURSE! She is trying to roll over-a skill I have mixed emotions about and I am sure she will be rolling all over the place soon.

We've gone to the Sonoma house multiple times, the northern California beach, San Francisco, Berkeley, Napa, Los Gatos, Oakland, wine tasting (twice) and will be heading to Santa Barbara in less than 2 days. Wow that's alot to do in 3 months. We have also had many visitors which I love especially when the grandparents come to visit. They are most helpful. Mommy and Daddy even went out to a wedding leaving you behind. Grandma says you were great. I wonder but you were asleep when we came home so it couldn't have gone too bad.

Here are a few of my favorite recent pics. She is SO BEYOND CUTE! I can't stand it.
I cannot wait to see what new milestones, adventures, and experiences the next 90 days will bring. With Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas in the mix I am sure there will be alot to report and A LOT of cute pics.

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