Friday, July 15, 2011

The pause button begins

This blog will be the story of Madeline's life and mine as well as we navigate that crazy thing called life together. I will be posting funny stories, awe inspiring moments, and lots of pictures of the amazing milestones in my little girl's life. But before we get into all of that a note about the title.
The pause button- as I sit here in her first week of life I can't help but wish for a pause button. I feel that already it is going by too fast and I cannot drink in her wonderfulness fast enough. I have never before wanted the days to be longer than I have this week. I am sure that as she grows I will be wishing for fast forward buttons, stop buttons, rewind buttons and definitely a do over button but for right now all I want to do is be able to pause life and have more time to absorb all the amazing things about her.
Everyone said savor each moment they will go by too fast, boy were they right.
I am hoping that in writing this blog it will become my pause button a way to savor those moments that pass by all too quickly.

enjoy, come back often and just pause

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