Monday, July 25, 2011

The First 2 Weeks

I cannot believe that Madeline is already 2+ weeks old. How can it be, it feels like just yesterday I learned that I was pregnant with her and she's already growing and changing. These first two weeks have been a big learning curve with it's fair share of sleepness nights but I would not trade it anything in the world. I am on the hunt for that pause button because already it is going to fast.
In 2 weeks Madeline has already learned so much and grown a lot. She has mastered making our hearts melt, being the center of attention, and having us drop everything just to look at her beauty. In addition to these feats she is growing like a weed and gaining weight like a champ. I guess that's not hard when you eat every 2-4 hours. She still spends the majority of her day sleeping which is fine by me. It vies me plenty of time of drink in her wonderfulness while she sleeps on my chest; definitely her favorite place to nap.
She is already 21 and 1/4 inches and now weighs 7.12 lbs.
I cannot believe that she is already so big and is growing so much. I look forward to all the next moments in her life while at the same time trying to memorize all of these first moments.

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