Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A new year a new Resolution

SO this year I plan to blog abotu being a mom and actually do it with some sense of regularity. I think part of the problem is I have this need to write down EVERY moment of every day so that I can look back when Madeline is older and driving me towards disowning her and think ah there was a time that she was sweet, cute, needed me, cried for no reason. Oh woops she's a girl that will happen for a long long time. But in reality I am too busy actually making a life with her to have umpteen hours detailing it here.

A few things to remind me of a typical day in the land of Madeline
Wake up hopefully after a full night of sleep in her own bed (most of the time yes) sometimes no and DEMAND to be feed that instant!
Diaper change and possible barf up a good precentage of that milk on mommy and then off to play.
Jump around in exersaucer for a while and whine cause bored/not enough attention/dropped Sophie
Then mom comes to entertain me and drink a few sips of coffee while it is hot
Breakfast of fruit or veggie puree Homemade of course which varies from okay I guess I'll eat it to shovel the food in faster mom no faster. Most days she also loves to stick her hands in her mouth while being fed so that makes laundry SO MUCH extra fun later when I have to scrub like hell to get out the yams she covered herself in. Followed by milk again

More play time and then NAP!!! More milk and some rocking from mommy and them Sleep from 1-2 hours. This has been lots and lots of hard work to get here to sleeping alone in her crib for at least an hour. Making her room pitch black like an underground cave and swaddling her again seems to help for now.

Wake up and MILK NOW!!!! Then the same basic loop again unless we have exercise class for mom (gotta get the mom tummy somewhat flatter) or errands to run.

We end our day with a bath. Boy does she love bath time I swear I could leave her in the tub for hours. Maybe she'll grow up to be a swimmer or diver or spa repair person. The massage jammies more rocking and nursing and to bed she goes. Hopefully for another full night of sleeping alone.